Our Counselling Options


One to One Counselling

We offer one-to-one counselling in a highly confidential environment for adults and children alike on various issues, which will give you the opportunity to ventilate and find effective solutions in all the below areas:

  • Disorientation in life – How to own yourself
  • Marital counselling – How to own your spouse
  • Parenting issues – How to own your child
  • Pre-marital counselling
  • Sexuality and related concerns
  • Career Counselling
  • Memory and concentration techniques for students
  • Growing up problems of Adolescents
  • Stress, Depression and Anxiety
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Mano Pranayoga Counselling

Mano-Pranayoga Counselling is a form of Psychological Yoga devised exclusively by us which has proven to show quick results in resolving problems and to improve the quality of life by reducing stress, anxiety, agony etc., in the people who practice it regularly. Thousands of our clients have benefitted from Pranayoga.

It has also proven to give best results especially in terms of dealing with concentration, memory problems among students.
Go to Pranayoga tab to know more about our Pranayoga techniques.

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Tele Counselling

Telephone Counselling is similar to one-to-one counselling session except you’re talking to us over the phone.Tele counseling is a flexible option for those of you who are busy with your office, home and other commitments and cannot spare time to come all the way to our counselling center for on-to-one counselling.

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Online Counselling

Online counselling is similar to telephonic counselling, the difference being, you can contact us online through a video chat and avail our services. You will have to take an appointment 24 hours in advance for the same and you can have a holistic experience similar to a one-to-one counselling session.

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Workshops for Corporates/Schools/Colleges

We conduct a variety of workshops for adults, children, employees alike. Please check the workshops tab for more details. If you would like to empanel your company/school/college with us and gain access to excellent treatment...

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Other Counselling

if you are looking anymore Counselling/Treatnment Free feel to contact us