Self Assessment

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Self Assessment


These questionnaires are just for information purposes. Any assessments based on these interpretations cannot be used as parameters to determine or diagnose any psychological disorders and their variations in degree. It is advised to consult a Counselor or Psychologist for any problems and the relevant treatment options.

1. Is your son/daughter unable to easily accept the bodily changes happening to him/her?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

2. Is your son/daughter throwing too many tantrums/Displaying mood-swings?
a. Yes always
b. Occasionally
c. Never

3. Do you notice that your son/daughter is getting arrogant/argumentative and rebellious?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

4. Is your son/daughter getting indifferent towards you and in general people who matter to him/her?
a. Yes
b. On occasions
c. Rarely

5. Does your son/daughter exhibit a “know all” attitude?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. Rarely

6. Is your son/daughter getting very secretive/ In general do you see a change in his/her behavior pattern?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

7. Do you suspect your son/daughter is becoming a victim to any form of addiction (smoking/alcohol etc.,)?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

8. Does your child over-eat/under-eat?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No eats moderately

9. Do you notice a change in the body language (gets conscious or grabs unnecessary attention) or the way of talking when you see your son/daughter talking to someone of the opposite sex?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

10. Do you observe that he/she is giving a lot of importance to grooming/dressing up/looking good?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

11. Does your child demonstrate extreme behavior (be it love/hatred/anger/displeasure or any other extreme emotion)?
a. Often/always
b. Occasionally when he/she is cranky
c. Never

12. Is your child totally inexpressive even where he is supposed to express (be it love/hatred/displeasure/anger or any other such emotion)?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. No

13. Is your son/daughter becoming a recluse/ Does your child seek loneliness?
a. Yes always
b. Sometimes
c. Never

14. Does he/she spend a lot of time over the phone?
a. Yes
b. On occasions
c. No

15. Does your child confide in you/Does he/she trust you?
a. No
b. Occasionally
c. Yes always

16. Does your child go into a shell or throw a fit when he/she faces failure/Is he/she a victim of jealousy/peer pressure?
a. Yes always
b. Sometimes
c. No

17. Does your child suffer from health problems often?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. No

18. Does your child exhibit escapist behavior/Does he resort to lying, stealing, cheating, postponing etc., to save himself from an awkward situation?
a. Yes I have observed a couple of times
b. Occasionally
c. No

19. Does your child appreciate constructive criticism/Does he/she listen to you on giving a valid advice?
a. No, he/she gets defensive
b. Sometimes
c. Yes always

20. Does your child exhibit a fluctuation in his/her confidence levels (Like sometimes he/she feels she can do anything, sometimes he/she feels he/she is fit for nothing?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

Most AsYour adolescent is troubled, he/she needs professional help
Most BsYour adolescent is normal, maybe he/she has a couple of teething problems, sit with him/her and resolve the issues, preferably with professional help.
Most Cs (Ideal situation, check the options and make it more relevant)

Any other issues

If you would like to empanel your company with us and gain access to excellent treatment, contact us on +91-9553662224 or mail us at to discuss further on our programmes.

Is Your Partner Right for You


These questionnaires are just for information purposes. Any assessments based on these interpretations cannot be used as parameters to determine or diagnose any psychological disorders and their variations in degree. It is advised to consult a Counselor or Psychologist for any problems and the relevant treatment options.

1. Do you and your partner have friends in common?
a. Many
b. A Few
c. None

2. Do you feel your partner understands you?
a. Yes, always
b. At times
c. No, rarely/never

3. Do you share any common hobbies or interests?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. Never

4. Compared to your life before marriage, your life after marriage is:
a. Happier
b. Same as before
c. Not so happy

5. Do you and your partner help each other in the household chores, including the responsibility of children?
a. Yes always
c. Never

6. Do you feel that your partner is governed by your in-laws?
a.Not really
c. Yes always

7. Do you derive satisfaction from sexual relations with your partner?
a. Often/Always
b. At times
c. Never

8. If you could live your life over again, would you choose your current partner again as your life partner?
a.Yes definitely
b.I will have to think about it
c. No chance

9. Do you have a transparency in terms of finances with your partner?
a. Yes always
b. Sometimes

10. When you compare your family life with others, do you feel disturbed?
a.Not at all
b. On a few occasions

11. How often do you have disagreements with each other, be it any issue (like finances, children etc.,)?
a. Almost never
b. Sometimes
c. Always/Often

12. Have you ever physically harmed each other in the course of a disagreement/fight?
a. No
b. Occasionally
c.Yes often

13. Do you get bored of each other easily?
a. No
b. On a few occasions
c.Yes almost always

14. Do you trust your partner?
a. Yes
b. I tend to suspect him sometimes
c.My partner is very secretive and his behavior is always makes me suspect him

15. Does your partner lie to you?
b.Sometimes when he/she is in no mood to explain
c.Yes he/she always avoids confrontations and exhibits an escapist attitude

16. Do you support each other’s careers effectively?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes we need to make a couple of compromises
c. Career is always a cause for debate between us

17. Do you spend quality time with each other like going for vacations etc.,?
a. Yes very often
b. Sometimes
c. Never. We are very busy for it

18. How do you manage a conflicting situation?
a.We sit and discuss about it coolly
b.We start with discussions and sometimes end up with arguments
c.Every conflict is a reason for a big fight between us |

19. How well do you communicate with each other?
a.We are very transparent
b. We have our differences but 7 out of 10 times we manage to communicate effectively
c.Communications usually end up becoming arguments

20. How is your affectionate, romantic interaction?
a. Very good
b. Good sometimes
c. We lead a mechanical life

Most As You have an excellent Marital life, you are made for each other.
Most BsYours is a moderately good Marital Life, Can be improved with better understanding of each other with the help of a family counselor.
Most CsYour relationship needs to be worked upon, consult a relationship counselor as soon as possible.

Any other issues

If you would like to empanel your company with us and gain access to excellent treatment, contact us on +91-9553662224 or mail us at to discuss further on our programmes.

Know Yourself


These questionnaires are just for information purposes. Any assessments based on these interpretations cannot be used as parameters to determine or diagnose any psychological disorders and their variations in degree. It is advised to consult a Counselor or Psychologist for any problems and the relevant treatment options.

1. Are you happy with your life?
a. No
b. Sometimes
c. Yes

2. Do you worry about your future too much?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Never

3. Do you waste too much of your time thinking about your past and ruin your present?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Never

4. Are you jealous of your friends, do you feel they are a happier and luckier compared to you?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Never

5. Do you like being in the company of people?
a. I prefer being alone
b. I sometimes go out with a few friends
c. I am always in a group of people and have great fun

6. Do you allocate some time for your hobbies?
a. No
b.Very rarely
c. Yes I make sure I do

7. Are you insecure about your finances/money?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Never

8. Do you handle a stressful/tensed situation coolly?
a. No I panic
b. I try to be calm
c. Yes I am always cool and composed

9. Are you uncomfortable in the company of the people belonging to opposite sex?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes

10. Are you always overcome by a feeling of guilt?
a. Yes sometimes even for no reason
b. Sometimes
c. Never

11. Do you always feel rejected and insecure and feel that people always want to hurt you, neglect you or harm you?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Never

12. Are you determined enough to achieve your goals in life?
a. No
b. Rarely

13. Are you confident of yourself?
a. No
b. Some occasions

14. Can you control your emotions and focus on your priorities and duties at any given moment?
a. No I get carried away by emotions
b. I try hard to control but fail sometimes
c. I have good control over my emotions

15. Do you accept yourself as you are with your strengths and weaknesses alike?
a. No I always feel unhappy about myself
b.I try hard to tell myself to accept myself as I am
c.Yes I accept myself the way I am and work on my weaknesses positively

16. Are you an effective public speaker?
a. No I am a very shy person
b. I fret and fumble on stage but manage to speak something
c. I am a very good public speaker

17. Do you get discouraged very easily and question your abilities when you encounter failures or negative remarks?
a. Yes I get very sad and curse myself for having failed
b. Sometimes yes
c. No I take any failures or negative remarks as lessons and move ahead in life

18. Do you have difficulty saying “No” to anyone?
a. Yes I end up taking more than I can handle
b. I try hard but fail sometimes
c. No I am very clear about what I can do and avoid what is not in my scope

19. Are you conscious about your physical fitness?
a. No
b. Rarely
c. Yes

20. Are you a very shy person?
a. Yes
b.Sometimes with strangers
c. No

Most AsYou are very low on confidence levels and suffer from inferiority complex, insecurity and low self-esteem. There is an urgent need to make some serious changes in your thinking and life-style, seek professional help as soon as possible and try to resolve these issues bothering you and try to improve your quality of life.
Most BsYou are leading an almost normal life but there are a few aspects in your life which you need to improve on, preferably with a professional help.
Most CsYou are an optimistic, happy person and your positive attitude will give you great success in life.

Any other issues

If you would like to empanel your company with us and gain access to excellent treatment, contact us on +91-9553662224 or mail us at to discuss further on our programmes.

Know Your Adolescents


These questionnaires are just for information purposes. Any assessments based on these interpretations cannot be used as parameters to determine or diagnose any psychological disorders and their variations in degree. It is advised to consult a Counselor or Psychologist for any problems and the relevant treatment options.

1. Is your son/daughter unable to easily accept the bodily changes happening to him/her?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

2. Is your son/daughter throwing too many tantrums/Displaying mood-swings?
a. Yes always
b. Occasionally
c. Never

3. Do you notice that your son/daughter is getting arrogant/argumentative and rebellious?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

4. Is your son/daughter getting indifferent towards you and in general people who matter to him/her?
a. Yes
b. On occasions
c. Rarely

5. Does your son/daughter exhibit a “know all” attitude?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. Rarely

6. Is your son/daughter getting very secretive/ In general do you see a change in his/her behavior pattern?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

7. Do you suspect your son/daughter is becoming a victim to any form of addiction (smoking/alcohol etc.,)?
a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

8. Does your child over-eat/under-eat?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No eats moderately

9. Do you notice a change in the body language (gets conscious or grabs unnecessary attention) or the way of talking when you see your son/daughter talking to someone of the opposite sex?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

10. Do you observe that he/she is giving a lot of importance to grooming/dressing up/looking good?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

11. Does your child demonstrate extreme behavior (be it love/hatred/anger/displeasure or any other extreme emotion)?
a. Often/always
b. Occasionally when he/she is cranky
c. Never

12. Is your child totally inexpressive even where he is supposed to express (be it love/hatred/displeasure/anger or any other such emotion)?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. No

13. Is your son/daughter becoming a recluse/ Does your child seek loneliness?
a. Yes always
b. Sometimes
c. Never

14. Does he/she spend a lot of time over the phone?
a. Yes
b. On occasions
c. No

15. Does your child confide in you/Does he/she trust you?
a. No
b. Occasionally
c. Yes always

16. Does your child go into a shell or throw a fit when he/she faces failure/Is he/she a victim of jealousy/peer pressure?
a. Yes always
b. Sometimes
c. No

17. Does your child suffer from health problems often?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. No

18. Does your child exhibit escapist behavior/Does he resort to lying, stealing, cheating, postponing etc., to save himself from an awkward situation?
a. Yes I have observed a couple of times
b. Occasionally
c. No

19. Does your child appreciate constructive criticism/Does he/she listen to you on giving a valid advice?
a. No, he/she gets defensive
b. Sometimes
c. Yes always

20. Does your child exhibit a fluctuation in his/her confidence levels (Like sometimes he/she feels she can do anything, sometimes he/she feels he/she is fit for nothing?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

Most AsYour adolescent is troubled, he/she needs professional help
Most BsYour adolescent is normal, maybe he/she has a couple of teething problems, sit with him/her and resolve the issues, preferably with professional help.
Most Cs (Ideal situation, check the options and make it more relevant)

Any other issues

If you would like to empanel your company with us and gain access to excellent treatment, contact us on +91-9553662224 or mail us at to discuss further on our programmes.

Know Your Child


These questionnaires are just for information purposes. Any assessments based on these interpretations cannot be used as parameters to determine or diagnose any psychological disorders and their variations in degree. It is advised to consult a Counselor or Psychologist for any problems and the relevant treatment options.

1. Is your child distracted very easily?
a. Yes always
b. Sometimes when he is not in the mood
c. Almost never

2. Does your child throw too many tantrums?
a. Yes always
b. Occasionally
c. Never

3. Does your child demonstrate extreme behavior (be it love/hatred/anger/displeasure or any other extreme emotion)/ Watches lot of violent movies/shows and also resorts to hitting people etc.,?
a. Often/always
b. Occasionally when he/she is cranky
c. Nevers

4. Is your child totally inexpressive even where he is supposed to express (be it love/hatred/displeasure/anger or any other such emotion)?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. No

5. Does your child enjoy playing outdoors?
a. Not really
b. Occasionally
c. Yes

6. Does your child mingle with his peers?
a. No
b. Occasionally
c. Mingles very easily

7. Does your child conduct himself well among a group of people/in a social gathering?
a. No/ gets uncomfortable
b. Tries to when insisted
c. Very sociable

8. How many hours does your child spend in front of TV?
a. Whenever he finds time
b. 2 hours average
c. Less than an hour

9. Does your child go into a shell or throw a fit when he/she faces failure/gets jealous easily?
a. Yes always
b. Sometimes
c. No

10. Does your child have the habit of sharing/does he/she have a helping nature?
a. No
b. Occasionally
c. Yes

11. Does your child seek loneliness?
a. Yes always
b. Sometimes
c. Never

12. Does your child exhibit escapist behavior like resorting to lying, stealing, cheating etc., to save himself from an awkward situation?
a. Yes I have observed a couple of times
b. Occasionally
c. No

13. Is your child a fussy eater especially breakfast?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No he/she eats well

14. Does your child have a good night’s sleep/undisturbed sleep?
a. No he/she very often has nightmares
b. Sometimes
c. He/she sleeps soundly

15. Does your child bed-wet?
a.No he/she very often has nightmares
c. He/she sleeps soundly

16. Does your child avoid school?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

17. Does your child accept constructive criticism?
a. No, he/she gets defensive
b. Sometimes
c. Yes always

18. Do you get complaints from your child’s teachers about him/her being talkative/inattentive/careless?
a. Yes
b. Occasionally
c. Never

19. Does your child confide in you/Does he/she trust you?
a. No
b. Occasionally
c. Yes always

20. Does your child understand whatever is taught in school and complete his notes?
a. Yes
b.Sometimes he doesn’t concentrate
c.Yes he is very studious

Most AsYour child needs attention, you need to analyze what is going wrong with your child. Better seek professional help.
Most BsYour child is a normal child with a few problems which you need to closely address to understand him/her better. You cannot neglect him/her.
Most CsYour child is taken care of very well and he is enjoying his childhood

Any other issues

If you would like to empanel your company with us and gain access to excellent treatment, contact us on +91-9553662224 or mail us at to discuss further on our programmes.