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Premarital Counselling

Premarital Counselling

Couples considering committing to each other in marriage benefit from analysing their relationship issues (or potential relationship issues) prior to making the most important commitment of their lives. Premarital counselling is an opportunity to explore the dynamics of the partnership and set them up for a satisfying future together. Premarital counselling helps one learn better communication skills and constructive ways to react and respond to conflicting situations. In premarital counselling we also teach the couple how to handle not just each other but also the families on the both sides.

In a marriage, the man and the woman coming together from different families are raised differently, with different principles and have learned different things. Their early experiences become a part of their core and their everyday life. When they get married, they are often faced with unfamiliar habits, personalities and temperaments, with differing values and needs. We help them build a bridge between their single and married lives, by working with their differences and finding effective ways to manage them.

Our guidance ensures that the couple can mature to its fullest potential within the boundaries of a happy relationship. Through premarital counselling, we create awareness of the areas important to the couple’s married life, such as each other's expectations, household chores, careers, finances, intimacy, communication, sexuality, parenthood, in-laws and individual hobbies.

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